enVisionaire the conference was envisioned with the aspiring entrepreneur in mind and the seasoned business owner who desires to sharpen their creative edge and recharge their momentum. enVisionaire is coming with REAL help, ideas, strategy, resources, systems and tools to build and rebuild your business into a profitable success. Discover how to push past your fears, resist procrastination and destroy mental blockages so that you can start :
the business you always dreamed of now! You will leave this conference refocused, inspired and ready to dominate in your sphere of influence.

I'm coming for the visionary, entrepreneur, author, ministry leader, and/or aspiring business owners who are seeking real help with building their VISION. This two day intensive meeting/workshop is going to help you gain and maintain mental clarity, map out your vision, set up your calendar and provoke you to “CAST YOUR NETS” and experience INCREASE in every area of your LIFE.


Faith & Fashion™ provides a positive, supportive, and structured Christian environment for the development and exchange of quality business referrals and resources for Christian business owners and leaders to become equipped to be "the salt of the earth" in the marketplace and at home. We help them understand that they are not alone in running their business. We provide an avenue for them to grow and lead their business based on biblical principles and practices, which brings exponential value to their business and personal life. Networking with like-minded business professionals in a social atmosphere that can lead to opportunities to collaborate, partner and/or fellowship in the future.